To enrich campus life andstrengthen the attraction of traditional Chinese culture to international students in FMU, wetake the opportunity of celebrating traditional Chinese festival and invite allinternational students to experience the Chinese culture in a happy and harmoniousatmosphere.
I. New Year’s Tea Party - Feel the Warmth of China
Since 2009, we havescheduled and organized annual celebrations of the Spring Festival forinternational students in FMU.
On New Year’s Eve lastyear, a tea party was held for overseas students. The event was attended bydeputy headmaster Wu Xiaonan, heads of Department of Student Affairs,Department of International Cooperation and Exchange and Overseas EducationCollege along with over 200 international students.
In the speech to theinternational students, Wu Xiaonan, deputy headmaster, delivered his bestwishes for the upcoming New Year and called on all students to go on with the hard work and live up to theHippocratic oath.
II. Folk Custom - Appreciate the Natural Way of China
Overseas Education College invites students to participatein various cultural events designedtointroduce the information about traditional Chinese festivals (including Spring Festival, LanternFestival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid Autumn Festival) to internationalstudents, where the students maytaste dumplings, moon cakes and glutinous rice balls and get to learn about Chinese folkcustom such as family reunion, lanterns appreciation, rowing dragon boats andadmiring the full moon. Through these events, the students are able to get a grip ofthe ardent expectations the general Chinese public have towards their life,their families and the society at large.
III. Cultural Tours -Embrace a Friendly China
Situated on the easterncoast of the country, Fujian Province is endowed with distinctive marineculture. The college makes the most of this and organize international students to have a variety of culturaltours at the starting point of the Maritime Silk Road where students visithistorical heritages, explore the ties between China and countries along theroute in terms of transportation, trading and cultural exchanges. Theseactivities help students grasp the diplomatic principles of China, namelyfriendliness, truthfulness, mutual benefits and open-mindedness.
(Chen Bing from Overseas Education College)